
                                  FORTHCOMING & RECENT SHOWS

a screeshot from the film Between C & D
Solmonopolet på skjemet av KHK
Beate og Dimitri i samtalet på KHK svar til publikum
Dimitri og Beate total i samtalet på KHK
Dimitri og Beate nærbilde i samtale på KHK
Dimitri og Beate i samtalet på KHK
Dimitri Lurie nærbilde filmvisning på KHK
Beate og Dimitri i smatalet på Kunstnernes hus kino



February 15 - The Pugnant Film Series, Athens, Greece.

A 16 mm film "CACTUS"  by Dimitri Lurie to The Pugnant Film Series - the screenings of underground, dada & auteur cinema in Greece.


November 29 - Regard Indépendant, cinema J-P BELMONDO, Nice, France.

"REFRACTION" by Dimitri Lurie screenes within the program of the 25th RENCONTRES CINÉMA ET VIDÉO À NICE.


August 12th, h. 22.00 Filmový festival "Styri Živly" , Bratislava, Slovakia.

"Solmonolpolet" / "The Sun monopoly" to be screened within a program of experimental film

at the "4 Živly" / "4 Elements" film festival in Bratislava.

May 26-28 RAFLOST - Icelandic Festival of Electronic Arts, Reykjavik.

Dimitri Lurie takes part in the Rafløst festival with two of his video works.

Thanks to the mobility funding provided by the Nordic Culture Point.


May 21st, h. 21.00  Volapük’ Spring festival, Oslo, Norway.

Our experimental 16-mm film "Between C & D" to be screened at the multicultural forum Volapük.

The film is also available for a free online preview to users of the Deichman library.

May 13th - 15th,  23rd Moviate Underground Film Festival, Harrisburg, PA, USA.

Our brilliant film "Hermit" is selected to be screened at the 23-rd Moviate Underground Film Festival taking place in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA.

April 23rd (h. 12.00 - 18.00) Oslo open - the Oslo based artists' festival

We are taking part in Oslo Open and welcome public to our studio.

21.01-13.02 «Undersøkelser av det felles eide» /«Inquiries of the Social Commons», Galleri 69, Oslo.

Our documentary "Theatre of Tears", a result of the cooperation between Dimitri Lurie and Beate Petersen is on display again. This time at the Gallery 69 in Oslo, as part of a multimedia group-exhibition «Undersøkelser av det felles eide» /«Inquiries of the Social Commons».


26 November  "Delivery of the Sun", Vaasa, Finland

A Super8-mm film work "Solmonopolet / The Sun Monopoly"  by Dimitri Lurie to be screened under

the program "Delivery of the Sun" presented by Botnia & Filmverkstaden at the Draama-sali in Vaasa.

11. September - 17 October  Kunstnernes hus / The Artists' House, Oslo, Norway.

An experimental film "Solmonopolet / The Sun Monopoly"  by Dimitri Lurie selected by The National jury of  the 134, Statens Kunstutstilling - Høstutstillingen 2021  is on display at the The National Annual Autumn Exhibition taking place at the Artist's House in Oslo.

Earlier two other artwork by Dimitri has been shown at this main art show in Norway,

In 2007 Dimitri won one of The Autumn Exhibition art prizes - Norges Rederifobunds pris.

27. April - 27 Juni, Spriten Kunsthall, Skien, Norway.

Our creative documentary "Theatre of Tears" takes part in a group exhibition "Undersokelser av det felles eide" støttet av Regionale prosjektmidler for visuell kunst og Fritt ord. Les utstillingens anmelding av Kari J. Brandtzæg.


Our creative documentary "Hermit" , that was purchased by the Norwegian Film Institute is now available for public via the Deichman library's v.o.d. service


Dimitri Lurie has recieved two Gralha International Film Awards (Curtiba, Brazil) as the Best director and the Best editor of experimental film, for his 16=mm mysterial drama "Between C & D".

Our experimental Super8-mm film "Solmonopolet / The Sun Monopoly" with an original score by Fangarm is selected for a competition programm of the 1-st edition of a Sicilia based Festival del Cinema di Cefalù. Its screenings will go both off- and online through out the period, May 1 – August 31, 2021.

A creative documentary "Hermit" by Dimitri Lurie is among the new titles purchased by the Norwegian Film Institute for the public distribution via V.O.D. service The film will be available for free streaming to all users of Deichman library in Norway by the spring` 2021.

When Lurie`s experimantal short film "Between C & D" is available on Filmbib from November' 2020.

24.12 - 24.01.2021,  The Komi National Gallery, Syktyvkar, Russia.

Dimitri Lurie`s work on display at the Komi National Gallery as part of the retrospective exhibition project

The history of the development of multimedia art in Leningrad – St. Petersburg. 1985-2000".


4-7 Desember, Kinoskop - festival analognog filma, Belgrade, Serbia.

"Between C & D" by Dimitri Lurie is selected for a competition of the Kinoskop' 2020 - an indie niche festival dedicated to the exploratory tendencies and experimental ways of working with celluloid in the digital era, and a showcase of imaginative works of cinema.

6 November, 2020 - 2025,, Deichman Library, Norway.

Our experimental 16-mm  film "Between C & D", purchased by the Norwegian Film Institute, is now available on-line to all registered users

of the Deichman Library public video-on-demand service Filmbib.

22 October - 22 November, Sergey Kuryokhin Center for Modern Art, Russia.

Three video work by Dimitri Lurie are taking part in a massive exhibition of media art pioneers.

The history of the development of multimedia art in Leningrad – St. Petersburg. 1985-2000".

14 August - 20 September, Ground Solyanka galleryMoscow, Russia.

Our film Refraction is on display at the Ground Solyanka gallery as a part of a retrospective program

Variable Landscapes - 3 compiled from the 12 works found at the CYLAND video archive, 

The program' curators intention was to present a genuine, introspective look at contemporary new media.

21-24 May, “Raflost”-2020, Reykjavik, Island. (NB! postponed to May' 2022)

Under the Festival of Electronic Arts “Raflost”-2020 we´ll present our film performance with a live score

and will hold a public lecture at the Iceland Academy of the Arts. Our participation in the festival is made

possible with supported from the Nordic Culture Point:

13-18 May, Kurzfilmtage, Oberhausen, Germany.

Dimitri Lurie´s experimental film "The Sun Monopoly" / "Solmonopolet" to be screened under the 66th Kurzfilmtage - 

International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen, Germany.

18-19 April, Oslo Open, an artist-run festival.

Oslo Open provides the public with a glimpse “behind the scenes” into the processes that lead to a finished work of art.

Oslo Open is thus a non-curated event that offers a unique and informal meeting between artists and the public in artists’ studios.

We welcome to our space at Urtegate 32C.

23. March, 20:00  Düsseldorf Filmmuseum, BlackBox  /  25. March, 19:00  Münster Schloßtheater

Dimitri Lurie's experimental film work "Flashes of Persia” to be screened within the program

St-Peterburg underground culture and digital video art, 1990-2020 curated by CYLAND video archive.


3. Desember, Kunstnernes hus kino, Oslo.

A program of the recent selected work by Dimitri Lurie, + artis-talk.

the Artist house' cinema showes three recent films made by the visual artist Dimitri Lurie.

Two films will be acompanied with a live soundtrack performed by the Oslo-based electro-duet Basalt

consited ofIlja Badulin (aka Fangarm) og Halvard Müller (aka Eü).

An artist-talk with Lurie moderated by the artist and writer Beate Petersen will follow the screening

15-17. October, Kurant showroom, Tromsø, Norway.

"The Sun Monopoly" by Dimitri Lurie will be screened under a three-day, mini art-festival

"Construction of a New Body"  based at the Auditorium, Stakkevollan, Tromsø.

1. October - 13. Desember, Kuryokhin Center, Saint-Petersburg

"Abstraction in avant-garde” - an international exhibition

Dimitri Lurie' video work Samsara-Vertigo is part of the exposition reflecting on the difference

between the abstract and the non-objective art work by different generations of artists.

The exhibition combines series of lectures, a costumed avant-garde performance and video art.

28-29. September, Art-centre Pushkinskaja 10, Saint-Petersburg

International audio-visual festival "Epicentroom”.

Lurie's videowork is on display in the program "Points of inflection".

1. September, Henriken  - cultural bar & stage , Vergelands veien 5, Oslo,

The preview of a video-documentary project "Long way to Hurum",

31. August, Museum of the President Boris Yeltsin Center, Yekaterinburg

Participating in a media-art exhibition "Digital Perspective"  curated by Cyland Lab for the

Yeltsin Museum in Yekaterinburg, Russia.

24. May, h. 21.00, Volapük - kulturforum, Oslo

Dimitri Lurie's film “The Sun monopoly" / "Solmonopolet”  will be screened under the Volpauk spring festival.


9. May, h. 19.00 DEICHMAN GRÜNERLØKKA, Schous plass 10, Oslo

A preview of the Dimitri Lurie's 16-mm silent art-film “BEETWEN C & D” (40 min.)

The screening will be accompanied live by an electro-duo "Bazalt" (Oslo).

The project "Between C & D" is being compleeted with a supported from Billedskunstnernes Vederlagsfond.

3. March, House of Foundation, Moss, Norway.

A preview screening of the Dimitri Lurie's 16-mm art-film “BEETWEN C & D”


20. January - 4. March, INTO YOUR HANDS, House of  Foundation, Moss (NO)


Opening on Saturday, 20.01 at 14.00.  (Moss Avis, 20.01.2018)

23 - 28 January,  XXX MINIMALEN, Trondheim (NO)

The Sun Monopoly / SOLMONOPOLET - an experimental film by Dimitri Lurie is selected for

the competion program of new short  films produced in Norway and other Nordic countries under

Minimalen' 2018 - Тhe 30-th Short film festival in Trondheim (NO).

The screenings will find place on Wednesday 24.01, h.19.00 at the Trondheim Cinematheque as part

of the Nordic short film competition program NOR 3, and on Thursday 2.01, h.11.00 at the Kino Nova.


16. December,

Taking part at the Winter Solstice 2017, Oslo (NO)

The Winter Solstice is an art project and happening; an exhibition and

cross-disciplinary event materializing in Oslo to mark the longest night of the year.

THE PULLING TENSION - a site speific installation by Vera Mokhova and Dimitri Lurie

17 June - 2 July, Deichmanske bibliotek; Grunerløkka and  RAM Galleri, Oslo (NO)

Video work for the art project "Debates on Division: When Private Becomes Public."

25-30 January, 29-th International Short Film Festival "Minimalen”  Trondheim, (NO)

Helvetica, 16 mm, 1995 shown in Retrospective program: Film & Video Art in Norway, 1990-2000


25-30 January, The 28-th ISFF "Minimalen” Trondheim, (NO)

The national premiere of Dimitri Lurie's creative documentary "Hermit"/"Eremitt“

in the competition programm of the new short films from Nordic countries.

A film magazine sets "Hermit" by Dimitri Lurie on the top-10 list of the best short films, 2016

21 – 30 September,  Luda gallery project, St. Petersburg (RU)

THROUGH WALLS AND ROCKS - contemporary art from Norway


11 May,  h. 17.00    Helsinki, MUU Monday: World Wide Video & Wine (FI)

"Refraction" to be screened as part of the program from the Cyland video archive “Changing Landscapes” curated by Vika Ilyushkina - a visual artist and curator from St. Petersburg.

17 April,  h. 19.00    Kuryohin Art Award ceremony, St. Petersburg, (RU)

Our video installation "Conversions" / "Обращения" is nominated the presigiouse Kuryohin' Art Award in the category Best Media Object.

The winners to be annonced on the 17-th of April during the ceremony at the Sergey Kuryohin Art Center in St. Petersburg.

02 May, h. 19.30  Cosmopolite Scene, Oslo (NO)

 "Abordage" - Boris Grebenshikov / Aquarium live in concert


14 . October - 14 November'  2014,  "THE OTHER CAPITAL" ,  The Museum of Moscow, Moscow (RU)

Dmitri Lurie is among the 68 contemporary artists whose works are displayed in The Museum of Moscow under the exhibition titled "The Other Capital". The exhibition is conceived as a metaphor and an alternative plan for the city of St. Petersburg, collected from the works of important for its art scene authors. Paintings, installations, objects, multi-media and photography were selected by curators of the two cities - Eugene Kikodze (Museum of Moscow) and Olesya Turkina (The State Russian Museum) who're defining the key theme of this project as "artists understanding of their cultural background and heritage, the city of St. Petersburg is famous for." Among the participants are only modern artists representing different generations of unofficial art and important currents of the St. Petersburg underground from the 60-th to the present days.

Organized by: The Museum of Moscow, St. Petersburg' branch of the National Centre for Contemporrary Art - NCCA and the art gallery Anna Nova. Our appearance at the opening of this project was made possible with a kind support from the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Moscow.

22. August - 07. September,    Central exhibition hall "Manezh", St.Petersburg (RU)

Тhe videoinstallation "Conversions" was on display as within an exhibition project "Manifest. Pulse 1." that took place at the central exhibition hall "Manezh" in St. Petersburg.

The appearence of our work at the exhibition is made possible with an International support from OCA - office for contemporary art Norway and the General Norwegian consulate in St. Petersburg.

14 - 28. March,   Atopia - film & video art forum, Oslo (NO)

Dimitri Lurie presents his work "Ginger-Space Waltz" at the exhibition "Ginger-Brain-Logic" curated by Farhad Kalantari.

The finissag and Artist Talk along with Inger Lise Hansen in conversation with the exhibiting artis takes place on the 28. March.

24  October,  Messer Chups live at the rock club "Revolver", Oslo

Dimitri Lure has produced and presented the very first gig in Oslo of the legendery surf-rock band "Messer Chups" (St. Petersburg)

The support band of the night were the young musicians from Volda (Norway) "My Descending Ark" for whom the concert at Revolver turned to be a debut in the capital town.

Through the year Dimitri Lurie' film "Refraction" shown in a video program "Changing Landscapes" curated by Victoria Ilyushkina

at the following art festivals and events:

8 feb. - 9 march,   Black Box,  Gislaveds Konsthall in Sweden.

3. July,   Video art Festival Miden 2014 in Kalamata, Greece.

25. June,    The Youth Educational Center of The State Hermitage, St. Petersburg.

17 - 18.  June   5.3 Art Vilnius, Conference Hall, Vilnius, Litauen.

8 feb. - 9 march,   Black Box,  Gislaveds Konsthall, Sweden.

18 December, "Capital of Nowhere", New Museum of Modern Art, St. Petersburg. 


14. November,   Cyberfest, Platoon Kunsthalle, Berlin (DE)

Held annually since 2007, CYBERFEST is the first and biggest festival for technologically based art in Russia. This year, it will be held from 12 to 17 November at The WYE in Kreuzberg, Berlin.

The festival's video program "Changing Landscapes", including Lurie's "Refraction", will be screened on 14. November at 19.30 at Platoon Kunsthalle - Berlin, Schönhauser Allee 9.

25 - 31 August 2013,  Kansk, Siberia (RU)

The jury of "The XII. International Kansk Video Festival" awarded with special diploma "For the awakening of nostalgia to an event that hasn't yet happened", Dimitri Lurie's film  "Refraction".

The film premiered in August 2012 in the competition program of "The 8-th International Festival of Short and Animation Film "Open Cinema" in St. Petersburg. Since then it was shown at various film festivals and art exhibitions around the globe.

14. May,   Oslo (NO)

The jury of the Norway's National Аrt Еxhibition - "126. Høstutstillingen" announced outcome of the 1 selection: Dimitri Lurie with the film

"A Sense of a Maze" is one of 144 artists selected for the second round out of 2300 applicants.

The creative documentary "A Sense of a Maze" (52 min) - was released in November 2010 in Dom Kino of St. Petersburg at the International Film Festival "XIII. DeboshirFilm - Pure Dreams". Where the jury has awarded our work with the distinction «For the authors' highly poetic cinema message.

3 May - 10 July,    Palazzo Foscari, Venice (IT)

"Refraction" is screened at athe joint new-media exhibition "Capital of Nowhere" held in Venice by CSAR and Cyland during the time of the Venice Biennale.

20-21 April, 12.00-18.00. Oslo Open 2013

Dimitri Lurie & Vera Mokhova are once again participating in the annual art festival Oslo Open. We open doors to our studio & showroom and welcome respectable public to meet our work. Our studio is on the list for a guided tour.

Film "A Sense of a Maze" will be screened at UKS cinema under the Oslo Open's video program.

23 March, 16:30     "Open Cinema Club", Dom Benua, St. Petersburg.

Our film "Flashes of Persia" is shown under the program "Masala mama" - short films from India, Iran, Singapore and Thailand introduced by the Open Cinema Club.

19 Jan. - 23 March,   Smiths Row Gallery, Bury St Edmunds, England.

Dimitri Lurie took part in a joint exhibition "Flicker: Artist & Super 8" - a homage to the art of Super 8-mm film. The exhibition aims to showcase the diverse use of Super 8 in contemporary artistic practice, from installations and performances through to film screenings and talks. Along with work of the contemporary artists and filmmakers on display was a film by Derek Jarman.

The shows review at East Anglian Daily Times.

9 - 10 March, Oslo international church music festival.

Vera Mokhova stands back the baroque costumes for a church concert-performance "Vivaldi for children".

Our short film "Aftertaste" is taking part in an on-line film festival Humanity Explored, arranged by Cultural Unplugged studios of the LinkTV channel. Here film viewers from all over the world can watch, vote and support the storytellers they like.


Vera Mokhova designed costumes for this year' series of a popular TV show for kids  -

"Julemorgen / Christmas morning" produced by NRK, the Norway's national broadcasting corporation.

Three video works by Dimitri Lurie - "Samsara-Vertigo","The ginger space waltz" and "Turbulent sacrifice" - will be screened in the program presented by the Media Art Lab Cyland at the 3rd edition of the Video Guerrilha festival in Brazil run by the cultural organization Videofarm.

1 session: November 22, 23 and 24, 2012 – Rua Augusta in São Paulo

2 session: April 20 and 21, 2013 – Complexo Cultural da República in Brasília

3 session: July 24, 25 and 26, 2013 – Arcos da Lapa in Rio de Janeiro

For the earlier events please visit in the web archive